The Electric Universe theory is science because:
- It can be tested using the scientific method, such as that in the Safire Project. Testing is the only way to assess the theory.
- Much of the Electric Universe includes accepted theory. While these do not necessarily lend support for some of the Electric Universe’s more speculative theories, the theories are still under development, and can still be tested.
- Because the Electric Universe Theory is interdisciplinary, it may include subjects that are not scientific, and are not intended to be.
- It is predictive.
Criticisms of the Electric Universe
- Q. Some of the proponents of the Electric Universe poorly understand science, are not qualified, and draw misguided conclusions from poor reasoning.
A. Yes, many proponents are not scientists, who might make a poor job of explaining mainstream science too. Only testing can assess the theories. - Q. Experts highlight errors in the Electric Universe theory
A. There are few experts in cosmology, and plasma physics, and electrical engineering. In many instants, they are not errors, but incomplete theories which need to be addressed - Q. Mainstream theory is fine, thank you
A. There is evidence that supports much of mainstream theory. But that is not an argument that can be used against any other theory. - Q. Electric Universe theories are not peer reviewed in the leading astrophysical journals.
A. Peer review requires that a theory is published, and available for review. Nothing prevents a peer from reading it. - Q. Some proponents of Electric Universe theories have unscientific beliefs .
A. Isaac Newton had strong religious beliefs, and studied alchemy and the occult. Science successfully assessed Newton’s theories. - Q. The Electric Universe is a variation of Velikovsky’s ideas.
A. Velikovsky rejected the Electric Sun theory.
- One of the definitions of “pseudoscience”, is that it refers to an idea that is portrayed as if it were a science, but isn’t.
- But the word “pseudoscience” has no scientific definition, and no scientific tests, but is used as if it were scientific. It isn’t.
- Hence by its own definition, using the use of the label “pseudoscience”, is pseudoscience.